What Was Your Highlight of the Week? Fixing My Washing Machine

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I’m a big fan of Laura Vanderkam’s daily productivity podcast, Before Breakfast which gives a very short daily tip to improve your productivity and your life.

A recent podcast suggested asking a friend or an acquaintance to share a positive experience, rather than asking, “How’s it going?” Which often brings the response “Fine!” or “Busy!”

My Highlight of the Week

The washing machine broke and we were talking about where we could get a new one.

It had a good run. It’s about 13 years old.

But then, I had a brainwave and thought:

Perhaps I could get it repaired, or even fix it myself.

The washing machine wasn’t draining, so I looked on YouTube. There was a video.

It looked quite easy.

I unplugged it, drained it manually, took off the panel, used my phone as a torch. I saw that a stick was jammed in the pump fan just like the example in the video.

It took about an hour because I wasn’t sure what I was doing.

It was stuck, I couldn’t reach it. I thought about asking my grown-up daughter who has small hands. She was still in bed.



Deborah Science Fiction Fantasy Short Story Writer

Award Winning Writer. I . Slow Runner. Fast Talker. Mother. Lover of Clutter. Science Fiction Stories. deborahjudithwalker@hotmail.com