Hercula and the Golden Hydra: Two: A SF Short Story

Over the Hill

Welcome to the tales of Hercula, a renegade soldier.

Times have changed. The galaxies are run by seven massive Artificial Intelligences, who like to be thought of as gods.
Following a devastating tragedy, guided by the Artificial Intelligence, Brimstone, Hercula has reluctantly agreed to take on ten tasks for FreezyWater, the unsavoury owner of Cellophane Asteroid Station. Following her recent triumph with the Terracotta Dragon, Hercula will next face the Golden Hydra, a creature bringing ‘solace’ to the elderly on a distant world.

Hercula is a novel in instalments. The first installment is here. The next next instalment is here.

Over the hill they came, that relentless tide of droids, screaming a metallic war cry of binary and rushing on wheels of solid metal, and others the thud of their metal cup feet clattering on the hard ground, and all of them baying for the attention of Hercula.

Hercula pocketed the coins,

“Right you are, Cyril, good job that. How much will I get for two bar of credit?’’

“I’ve done a lot of the hard work now,’’ said Cyril. “So, I reckon I could knock you out two…



Deborah Science Fiction Fantasy Short Story Writer

Award Winning Writer. I . Slow Runner. Fast Talker. Mother. Lover of Clutter. Science Fiction Stories. deborahjudithwalker@hotmail.com