Do You Know the First Lines of These 3 Novels?

A Quick Quiz

First Lines Are Important.

They can encapsulate the whole novel in a few words. They can create a mood. They can become signifiers for your work.

Do you know the first lines of these three novels?

Feel free to drop your answers in the comments. Answers in the linked post at the end.

Novel One: ‘1984’ by George Orwell

Do you know the first line?

It was recently announced that 1984 tops the chart in a list of novels that people pretend to have read. I can’t believe that. I just loved it. I read it fist in 1983. And a couple of times since. One of my favourites. .

Novel 2: ‘Catcher in the Rye’ by JD Salinger

Do you know the first line?



Deborah Science Fiction Fantasy Short Story Writer

Award Winning Writer. I . Slow Runner. Fast Talker. Mother. Lover of Clutter. Science Fiction Stories.